Wednesday, September 26, 2007

IV lab

What a great IV on my patient! Hooked up to their fluids and ready to go!!

Dang, that's a BIG needle!!

Drawing up my medication for my IM (intramuscular injection). OUCH...IM injections hurt!!

Taking Rachel's BP

A perfect 98.6

Well, IV lab was a bit of a dissapointment. Apparently, Belmont doesn't allow us to practice on each other so it wasn't as exciting as I anticipated! They just showed us how to do it on a video (lame). We did learn how to give IM injections which I dread ever giving to a patient because they are the ones that HURT!!! Love and miss you all.


karissa said...

Your hair is cute all wavy, hard to imagine you actually had a bad day, you look pretty darn peachy to me!

karissa said...

Hi again-there is a super funny medical post on Dave's blog, you will enjoy it (scroll down to 'first time for everything'):

Chris said...

So what is the deal with the Scrubs? Do you have to wear them, or is it optional on days like this? It looks like everyone else in the pictures are in their civilian clothes. Do you find yourself wearing scrubs for no better reason than their comfort? I mean, when you go on this ride along you got scheduled for yoruself (and we want some intense pictures of the Keith Urban drug bust) will you be in your scrubs? Will they be able to hold both of your belts up at the same time? You certainly don't want a wardrobe malfunction in south central Nashville.

Steph said...

Holy cow...I was laughing so hard while I read your post!! First of all, we can either wear street clothes with a lab coat or scrubs to lab. If my lab coat is dirty, I wear scrubs. If I feel fat and bloated, I wear scrubs. If I don't have any clean clothes, I wear scrubs. Are you starting to see the trend?
Nice with the belt comment. Well played.
Wardrobe malfunction...seriously, that's why I depend on you to keep the blog comments clever and fun. I love it.
I've been practicing my gang signs the last few days so I think I should be set to head into the ghetto. I know you are counting on the starbucks napkin, but could you settle for an empty ziplock bag with his autograph?