Monday, April 9, 2007

Wound care lab

Changing a bloody wound!!

Removing sutures
Irrigating my patient's wound before putting on a clean dressing


Chris said...

how does that "skin" compare to real skin when it comes to sutures? Seems like it would be a whole new ball game when you are actually sewing up human flesh?!

karissa said...

Cool stuff, you look so official!

Mom said...

Hey - can't say that taking sutures out of a little square will feel much like the real moving, painful real thing. Looks like you were having fun!

Todd said...

That looks like a nasty cut. How did you get the bleeding to stop?

Steph said...

The skin is surprisingly similiar to real skin. It's pretty cool!
Todd- my patient was very brave and his plastic leg actually soaked up the blood really well :)