Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Our nursing lab

These are pictures of our amazing nursing lab! We have multiple labs in the nursing building but this is the one that we use most often. So far we have learned things like vital signs, bed making, bed baths, transfers and enemas!! From left (Steph, Crystal, Becca and Rebecca). We start clinicals next week and will be working with real patients and we are all slightly anxious! Everything else is going pretty good. Classes are tough but I am hanging in there :)


Chris said...

Those guys look like they wouldn't complain much about an enema gone wrong. Good luck with the real peeps!

karissa said...

Rylee wants to know, "what happened to those guys, what did they do, are they sick?" She isn't getting the idea that they are pretend. You look darling in your pink scrubs!

Todd said...

What did you like better? Giving the dumby a bed bath or enema?

Steph said...

I would have to go with the bed bath! No question. We actually might be giving enemas to real people next week so it should be interesting...I'll keep you posted :)

Jon Sween said...

Steph, How cool to see you in your scrubs. Curi says hi and that she likes my lap but not moms. Dad

Steph said...

Glad to know you finally remembered your password Dad! Give the princess a snuggle from her momma :) Mom says she jumps off your lap everytime she tries to take a picture!

The Bennetts said...

Hey Tiffany!!!!!

It looks like you are enjoying yourself, and that you have already made some nice friends. Well, except for that one fellow laying in the hospital bed.

I added this page to my favorites and we will be checking it often!

Eric and Vickie

Steph said...

Eric & Vickie-

YEAH!! Your post totally makes my day :) You guys are the only customers that have made comments on here. Well, like I need to say it again but you guys have always been my favorites!! I hope the new girl is treating you nicely...well, treating Vickie nicely and putting you in your place!! HAHA! Miss you both very much.

Whit said...

You look like a real nurse.....

Whit said...

Catheter care....find the meatus!

super blogger said...

Great lab, the lab usually have a skelaton. Read mine: nursing lab diagram