Saturday, February 7, 2009

OG, what??

I had an AMAZING day in the neuro ICU, which made up for the nightmare that was SICU yesterday. First off, I got to drop an OG tube. What does that mean? OG = orogastric (in thru the mouth and ends up in the tummy) and drop = put in (I guess they say drop cause it just sounds cool!). My patient had suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage, was sedated and on a vent. Instead of putting the tube in the nose (which would be an NG- nasogastric), I inserted it in his mouth and fed it until it reached his stomach. It took a few tries, but considering the residents were unable to do it earlier that morning, I felt REALLY proud! To make sure it is in the stomach you insert air into the tube and listen with your stethoscope over the stomach and you will hear gurgling if it's in the right place. Well, there you have it. I also got to give tons of meds (per tube, IV). The patient had an EVD, which is an external ventricular drain. The EVD monitors ICP (intracranial pressure) and has an amazing pressure system that drains CSF if the pressure increases too much. I could go on, but all I can say is that I am completely sold on neuro. I loved the patients, the equipment, the environment....everything. Lastly, my nurse was unbelievable!! Love to you all.


karissa said...

HOLY COW! That is some real life, seriously exciting stuff!! You are so close to the end that you are doing cool-big-word things all by yourself. Awesome! Love hearing about your day and the picture!!

Chris said...

Can you translate a bit for us?