Friday, October 10, 2008

Too much wayfinding fun......

A Belmont ID looks way more official on a lanyard!! Still couldn't get inside the perimeter....oh well.

Amanda directing media personel
Official radio business only!! It made the volunteering a little cooler.

Hanging out in the quad during the filming of the Early Show.

Sneaking around campus the day before the debate and getting into areas I KNEW I wasn't supposed to be in....AWESOME.

The media tent- it was huge!

So, most of you know by now that the town hall presidential debate was held at Belmont. Who would have ever thought!!?? It was actually really fun and exciting. Campus was pretty crazy, but what a great honor to host a debate in this election. I worked on debate day as a volunteer and sadly I didn't meet McCain or Obama, or get anywhere close to them. I did however score a radio and a lanyard for my Belmont ID....who could wish for more than that? Amanda and I were official wayfinders. Ya, it's exactly how it sounds- we helped people find their way. It may seem like a small job to some, but we took pride in our work. During our post we met members of the secret service, metro police, many members of the media and had a nice chat with Dr. Fischer, Belmont's president. Life is now getting back to normal: tons of homework, exams and work. The semester is about to get insane with my OB and peds inpatient clinicals starting up in a few weeks. Pray that I would make it because I am a little doubtful that I'll survive it! Love to you all.


The Jorgensons said...

Very cool, you are so official.

Chris said...

Can you tell me where the nearest bathroom is?

Judi said...

hey! okay, i seriously just followed the instructions :) You have to open your blog dashboard and paste a big section there, i know i'm not making any sense- hold on i'll go look and then let you know!

Judi said...

okay, so once you've chosen the background that you want, copy the massive link they give and go to your dashboard. open the layout tab and then open the HTML/Java script tab. then paste the link and save. That's all! I hope it works for you.

So nice to hear from you! You look like you're doing really well in Nashville :) be in touch hey. Judi

karissa said...

LOVE IT! I am so impressed that you did this yourself (with a little help from Judi I see). I've never seen the one you chose anywhere before.

Glad to the debate kept you busy too!

Miss you and love you tons.