Friday, December 7, 2007

Some random stuff to keep ya'll entertained....

Serenity....priceless during finals!! This is the view from my deck

A little birdbanding with Portia (the woman I live with). I promise we aren't hurting them....she just puts this little, "bracelet" thing on them to track where they go! It was really fun actually :)

Two beauties in the middle of finals....looking a little tired!!

Studying, studying and more studying!! It is almost over and I cannot wait!!! I'm definitely putting in the work so hopefully that show in my grades!!


Todd said...

Cool. How do you track the birds. GPS?

Steph said... got it. GPS. That is exactly how we track birds.........

karissa said...

The bird pics are awesome, I'll have to show the kids tomorrow! Way to go on the exam today, you are almost there. Love you bundles.

Steph said...

Thanks, I told Portia I thought they would love seeing her holding the bird!! Been praying and thinking of Christopher today. Love you lots and see you SO SOON!!!

Portia said...


Chris said...

Woodland Park Zoo just called and they want their birds back.

karissa said...

Rylee loves the bird pics, she said she really, really wants to hold one too. The last bird we held was our first failed Strovas bird rescue attempt, it was rather sad. Can't wait to see you!

Steph said...

I will tell Portia that she loved the will make her smile :) See you in a few days!! Cannot wait to see you!!